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Because I Got High
Directions: Complete the form below as thoroughly and honestly as possible.
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What age were you when you first started smoking marijuana?
Tell us about your first time getting high
Did you do it alone or with someone else?
After smoking weed your first time, did you feel a sense of shame or guilt? Explain.
Did you pay for the weed your first time? If so, how much did you pay?
After getting high the first time, how long did you wait before trying it again?
What was your 2nd experience like?
How many years did you smoke weed?
Did you ever see your weed smoking as something that was illegal?
Have you ever been arrested or detained for drug use and/or possession? If so, tell us about what happened.
How often did you get high?
Did any of your friends/family know about your habit? Explain.
Was there anyone that you kept from knowing about your habit while you were using marijuana? Did you keep it a secret from anyone? Why?
What’s the craziest thing you ever did to support your habit and addiction?
Was peer pressure a factor in your drug use? Explain.
At what point did you say, “Enough is enough?”
Did you ever relapse? Tell us about it.
When you did relapse, did you ever blame anyone?
How long have you been clean?
Do you ever think about getting high? How do you get past the thought?
Any addiction is hard to overcome. Many people who are addicted to drugs never overcome the addiction. How exactly did you do it? Did you have any help?
How much money do you think you save on average per day, per week, per year since you gave up your habit?
Instead of getting high on weed, what is your anti-drug?
What are some of the changes you have noticed since you stopped smoking weed?
Do you think it is possible to get addicted to smoking weed? Is the drug really that powerful?
Many people say that Marijuana is a gateway drug. Do you agree? Why/why not?
Out of every 10 people, if you had to take a wild guess, how many would you say are weed smokers?
What are 3 things you think people who smoke weed need to know or hear?
Would you like to stay involved in educating the African-American community on the harmful effects smoking weed can have on a person’s mental, emotional, physical, and financial health?
Thanks for your interest in taking part in this interview. Your responses will be used in our upcoming article feature that will expose readers to the impact the use of marijuana can have on a person's overall mental, emotional, and physical well-being; and to motivate and inspire current drug users to quit their habit by showing them actual and true success stories of people who are living better and healthier lives, free from their former addiciton. A notification email will be sent to you shortly.
If you know of anyone who would like to share this success story with us and our audience, feel free to share this opportunity with them.