Dream Pathways: How did you hear about We Foster Hope?
Candice: I heard about you through facebook .
Dream Pathways: Can you tell us a little bit about your story?
Candice: As a child of abuse I was placed in foster care at around 9 yrs. old. I was moved from home to home to group home and so on until I aged out of the system at 18 years old. I went from abuse at home to being abused all over again in my first foster home. I ran away from there but was placed back in it then moved to a new town and home over and over again. I spent three years in a girls’ home because no one wanted me. I was looked at as less of a person because I was a foster kid. Parental rights were severed but I was never adopted; I was merely unwanted.
I remember to the exact date when my sisters were taken from our home. I was left there even though abuse was evident. Within approximately 6 months my one sister came home only for the 2 of us to run away – which was the start of being in foster care. That sister and I stayed at the same foster home until she ran away, then eventually so did I. I lost contact with my sisters seeing them only a few times until I was 18 and on my own. I’ve never had the joy of living in a good home with parents who really saw me as their kid. I longed to have that too -a real mom and dad but even the ones I came to wish were my parents had denied me even that. I wish my daughter could know her past but it’s not something pretty. I struggle to this day trying to "fit" into a family with the biological family I do have but time and circumstances formed voids where memories of sisters growing up together and knowing one another should be. There are a few memories and only pain of where were from.
I was raped at 19, then found myself in the perfect relationship, until he started beating and raping me, which lasted for 2 1/2 years. I eventually married, but it was a volatile relationship that ended in divorce 3 years ago.
Dream Pathways: Describe your most memorable moment as a foster care kid.
Candice: No memorable moments except always leaving friends when I was moved.
Dream Pathways: Tell us one thing you would like to say to motivate other children and kids who are in the foster care system.
Candice: I’d tell kids keep pushing ahead and live your dreams.
Dream Pathways: How has the foster care system impacted your life?
Candice: I never had a place to call home & that sucks being 35 and a mother.
Candice has a beautiful little girl who is five now and the one constant joy in her life.