Name: Donnell Hicks
Title: Appreciating Life on Thanksgiving Day
The holidays is a moment to reflect back on a year that was filled with happiness, laughter, pain, and suffering. It is a time we appreciate the little things we have in life such as family, a home, a job, being healthy throughout the year, having food on the table, and clothes on our backs. Most of all, the holidays is all about coming together in peace and harmony. A lot of people aren’t so fortunate to have a lot during the holidays for the apparent reason that they’re homeless, without a job, their homes have been burglarized or had lost a family member. This is the reason why we ought to give thanks all year around not just on one day.
Personally, I’m truly blessed and thankful to the Almighty One that I have come to survive another year and have the battle scars to prove otherwise. Other than having a trying year, I can say without a shadow of doubt I have my health, a roof over my head, a job I go to every day and every night, money in my pocket, clothes on my back, a decent writing career, plus I’m alive to see the age of 26.
There are some people who aren’t so lucky to see the age of 26. They’re either dead or turned 26 in prison unfortunate to celebrate their life outside with family and friends. For example, the residents in New Jersey who have been hit by Hurricane Sandy early in the month of November are grateful and blessed to live through the storm, whereas some people weren’t so lucky to survive the storm.
This is why I pray every day and every night to the heavens; because I appreciate the little things I have here on earth that matter to me the most. I won’t ever look down on any man who is beneath me or another person who is in a state of despair. Indeed, people have different views on the true meaning of Thanksgiving and the holidays. It is about eating a huge feast or watching the football games on television. The truth behind Thanksgiving started with the Indians and Pilgrims who fled Europe and arrived to America. At first, the Indians and Pilgrims didn’t get along. Eventually, they came together in brotherhood and bonded over different cultures.
The truce the Pilgrims and Indians put forth showed each and every last one of us three hundred years later that we should come together in peace, either with family or friends. It’s good to be thankful for the small things instead of the huge things in life, and to reflect back on our lives in one year.
Although family sometimes gets on my nerves, deep down inside I’m very much thankful for seeing and loving my family. Yet, I won’t take anything for granted given the fact it will be taken away in a blink of an eye. Truth be told, another year or tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.