Writer’s Name: Ornitha Danielle
Title: Are Leaders Born or Made
What does it take to become a great leader? It takes a deal of honesty, respect, tactic, dedication and the fortitude of wanting to become a great leader. There are many characteristics that display a great leader, such as being a good listener and being able to allow individuals to the opportunity to grow under your leadership.
A leader has to be able to follow before he or she can lead anyone. Understand what it means to be a leader, not a drill sergeant. A great leader will have favor with the people that they lead. A person in leadership will not display negative behavior; they will be kind and willing to help. Leaders will not act as though they own those that are under their authority, whether it’s on a job, in the community, government or at church.
I can remember being in school when we had to take turns to be the line leader. Remember how powerful it felt when it was your turn to lead? What a wonderful feeling huh? Yes! You made sure that the line was straight and you held the door for everyone. With that job you had to be on your best behavior at all time, because if you didn’t you would lose your turn. There’s really no difference here; leaders are made. And remember the game, follow the leader where everyone wanted to be the leader?
Not everyone is made to become a leader. There is an old saying ‘Leaders are Made, Not Born.’ In my opinion I see it both ways. Some people are natural born leaders and others can be groomed to become great leaders.
A great leader will own up to their shortcomings, apologize when a mistake has been made, and is willing to go the extra mile for those that they have charge over. If we look at the Bible, there were some great leaders. We had the perfect leader of all times and his name was Jesus. This man was perfect in every way; he led a multitude of individuals. He even allowed them the opportunity to grow. He led by example. Jesus had all the characteristics of a great leader. He came to serve and gave up his life for us. A King! Never did he question what His role was when He came to the world. Then there was David - a man after God’s own heart. Now to have the seal of approval from God, that is a high recommendation.
Leaders should stand by their words and not waiver under subjection. To become a great leader one shouldn’t throw his or her title around to make someone else feel unimportant. There’s a saying ‘I respect your title, but I don’t have any respect for you as a person.’ As Obama is the leader of this country he has to follow the laws of the land and govern himself accordingly. Even though Obama runs the country, he still has to get an approval on things that he wants changed. Often times we are so hung up on titles and positions that we forget about what’s on the agenda.
Let’s take a look at individuals that own and run their companies. Most of the time they change policies to benefit them and their company and not the people that are under them. What happens is, they develop a bad reputation in the community and others don’t want to be under their leadership. To be a great leader one needs to follow through with their mission statement. We need to teach our future leaders of tomorrow how it should be done.
Photo Courtesy: Lee Taylor