Name: Donnell Hicks
Topic: Be Inspired Stay Inspired
Living in a world filled with haters, naysayers, and invisible dark energies attempting to hinder your future can be difficult to overcome at certain times. Striving to become the best at achieving your dreams will be difficult. Moreover, stay motivated to attain that goal, persevere onward through the storm, and ignore people telling you that you “can’t do it.” If you put your mind, effort, blood, sweat, and tears behind fulfilling your goals they will become a reality in the end.
Apparently, sometimes, a person won’t have any support from any friends or family members. Hence, his/her dreams will vanish significantly. But it’s important to find a goal and stick to it -whether it’s becoming a successful writer, dancer, a musician, a painter, or a sports player. You have to create that vision in your head, work hard at achieving that certain goal to turn it into a reality. You must keep the faith and keep your head up to the sky without looking down or listening to negativity.
There’s always room for a person to fall into the “donut-hole.” What I mean by that phrase is that there will be particular people whispering very negative words into your ear simply to bring you down and destroy your dreams; this is because they’re envious of you. Friends will depart just as fast as you make them, and family members will also likely depart. In the end, keep pushing on forward. When you accomplish your dreams, those negative comments people have made will turn rapidly into positivity.
Nothing is impossible if you put your mind into everything and work hard work and remain dedicated. If you’ve been blessed to become a fashion designer, don’t let anybody tell you that you cannot become a fashion designer; dreams are made possible by staying inspired. I’ve learned in the past never to tell anybody whether it be friends or family regarding my dreams of becoming a successful writer. To them, it seems like I’m living in a fantasy world. However, I’ve allowed my actions to speak louder than my words. I turned my vision into a reality and the fact that I’m a writer with four books out currently on the market and in the process of working on my fifth novel is proof enough.
Another way to keep working at something you believe will come true is to be humbled and accept help from people who are willing to help you accomplish your dreams. The only way to become successful is to work hard and to stay prayed up; always keep striving to become the best you can be in the mere face of adversity. There’s no room for error; there’s no room to fall by the wayside only to give up because someone told you otherwise. Building a legacy by creating memories for people so that they can remember you for generation after generation starts with the heart and mind. Little does a person understand, he/she is building a legacy each day when he/she writes a book, design clothes, or when he/she paints a picture. In other words, a person is creating their His STORY. When the tide rolls in, be inspired and stay inspired.