Colleen "Warrior Empress" Williams was born in the beautiful twin island of Trinidad and Tobago in 1972 and always had a passion for writing poetry and short stories. Her first book was written out of the painful experiences she had to endure in life. Coming from a rough past, it was hard to trust and forgive again after years of abuse. It is her heartfelt wish to educate individuals of all ages using this book, which is filled with poetry, short stories and dedications.
"What won't kill me only makes me stronger," she likes to say. “However, I know for a fact if I had not gone through the things I went through I would not be where I am today.” She is the author of “WHO FEELS IT KNOWS IT”
“WHO FEELS IT KNOWS IT” is many things. It’s a saying I have, meaning, “If you’ve not experienced it, you don’t really understand it.” It is also the title of my first book. This book is a journey through the seasons of my life: from descent into pain in the fall through the winter, where I endured constant abuse and neglect, and where I emerged stronger, entering into the glories of spring.
This book is a celebration of strength – of coming out stronger after years of sexual, emotional and physical abuse and neglect. It is a compilation of poems and paragraphs that I wrote over the years to help me process some of the negative things that happened to me. Some of the poems are in my natural way of speaking – not strictly Standard English – as a result. So, don’t be alarmed!
But it is not all doom and gloom! It has been described as a modern day “Cinderella” story; in the middle of my pain, I met my Prince Charming – my “Mr. Undefeated” – who was instrumental in bringing me out of winter and into spring.
DP: When did you first decide you wanted to become an author?
Colleen: To be honest I never set out to write a book, but after hearing different women share similar stories to mine, I decided to share mine as well.
DP: How did you decide on the idea for your first book?
Colleen: The experiences of my life - being abused physically, emotionally and sexually - were the foundation for this book. It came out of the journals I wrote while I was going through these horrible experiences; as I started to finally come out of the cycle of pain I found myself compiling all of the most painful experiences into a book so that other women will know they don't have to stay in abusive relationships and that true love is possible.
DP: How long did it take you to write your first book?
Colleen: Compiling all of the experiences that I went through from my journals into a manuscript took about three years or so.
DP: Did you self-publish or are you signed to a publishing company?
Colleen: I am self-published with Amazon.
DP: How did you decide on the cover for your most recent book?
Colleen: I used Amazon's templates for book covers to design my cover.
DP: Tell us about your writing style. Do you write on a schedule?
Colleen: When inspiration hits is when I write. My writing style is very simplistic; anyone should be able to relate to what I write.
DP: What makes your writing unique?
Colleen: I write as I feel and I am very real. The people in my life tell me that I am extremely blunt and direct; it comes out in my writing as well.
DP: As a writer, what motivates you?
Colleen: Helping others through my book is my main motivation. I want women to know that it is not okay to stay in a relationship that makes you uncomfortable or is dangerous to you or your children. You have the option to get out.
DP: How do you balance your writing and various responsibilities that come along with being an independent author?
Colleen: My book is complete, and I have not yet started working on another, so all my time is focused on promoting: interviews, reviews, and pushing the book on social media sites.
DP: When you’re not writing what are you doing?
Colleen: Planning and focusing on my next goal in life.
DP: What’s a typical day like for you?
Colleen: Getting phone calls, checking emails, autographing purchased copies and responding to requests to appear at different book events.
DP: Tell us about your last book signing.
Colleen: My last book signing was in Barbados at the CITRUS BOOK & POETRY night, hosted by the Book Source. I read excerpts from the book and sold a few copies. The response was great, and I am planning for my formal book launch later in 2013.
DP: Do you have contests or giveaways?
Colleen: Not at this time.
DP: Many independent authors find it hard to get readers to buy their books. How did you handle the challenges that come along with being a first-time author in a competitive and ever-changing market?
Colleen: Getting people to buy the book online has been difficult, however many people who hear about the book by word of mouth near where I live have been inquiring about how they can purchase copies. I have been ordering my books and selling them by hand, and word continues to spread as the people who buy them tell others.
DP: What did you do on your 2nd book that you did not do in your first one?
Colleen: I'm not working on a second one at the moment. I am focused on promoting this one for now.
DP: If you could give one piece of advice to an up and coming author, what would it be?
Colleen: Don't give up and go for your goals. If you have a story you want to tell, there will be someone who will listen. Tell your story.
DP: Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?
Colleen: My book is available as a paperback and on Kindle for purchase on Amazon's website.