Name: Donnell Hicks
Title: Cutting Back on Public Education
We all understand that having a good education plays a significant part in our lives. For some of us, it is merely a gateway out of poverty towards building a better future for ourselves. Without the need for education, one will be leading an empty life walking on a dead end road without a cause to an end. Education must be preserved for the children and for many years to come especially in the public education sector. But over the years since the birth of education, the curriculum has been revamped with standardized testing from elementary to secondary education in hopes to have the children achieve beyond their grade levels.
Every single day, we watch television we see politicians’ from the federal, state, and local levels slashing funds from the public education system. Politicians always stress how important an education is to the fundamental development of every child. Nevertheless, it’s the teachers and students who suffer drastic changes which include enormous size classes, less teachers, and fewer supplies like school books, paper, and pencils. On the other hand, private education is growing tremendously.
Needless to say, Republican politicians from the federal, state, and local levels are the ones who taking money out of the public education sector giving it to the private education sector hoping the parents will part ways from the public education system to put their child into the private school system. In the long run, students will be hurting for the reason that they wouldn’t get a decent education. After that a child would end up hanging on the street corner selling drugs or ending up incarcerated.
In the state of Florida there is a mandatory state standardized test called the FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) that is designed to test the ability, knowledge, and the skill set of each student in the state of Florida who attends public schools. The FCAT is given to students who are in third, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades.
One theory has it that the FCAT is basically designed for African-American students to either pass or fail. If a school doesn’t meet the criteria or receive a decent score, elected officials will take federal funding from out of the public schools and put the funds into the private schools. How can teachers be involved in the students’ lives when there are cuts to education? Why do politicians stress the importance of education so much when they drop the ax on education? Receiving a decent education would simply mean getting a good well-paying job in the future. Instead, politicians are building more prisons than investing in building more schools.
Ever since the “recession” started in late December 2007, plenty of teachers throughout the United States of America have been laid off and schools were threatened to be closed down for good. Amongst the steep cuts to education is a heavy increase in crime on the streets, particularly for the youth. At a certain point, prior to private education, it was deemed that public education was the safety net for every child in the United Stated of America. Education prepared a child for what life may bring. Education teaches about the values of hard work, a strong mentality to make choices on your own, and how to work well with others and gather vast amounts of information. Less education means more criminals and more prisons to build. Why destroy public education? Why hinder a child a better future in his/her life?