Title: Dreaming with my eyes wide open!
Date: 9/2/2012
I sat down one day two years ago making the most important decision in my life to follow the path of doing what I love and that was writing my first novel. When I told someone I was writing a book they informed me I was dreaming because I couldn’t possibly do this with all of the obstacles in my way. In truth, I was dreaming with my eyes wide open and ready to see the endless possibilities. I made a decision two years ago to take a risk, fulfill my personal destiny and if I failed at least I tried.
Every day we all have a vision of the path we want to take in life but along the way blinders such as fear, negative thoughts, obstacles, and defeat will cover our eyes from seeing. We quit before we actually begin and fall asleep on the road killing our dreams toward what is truly meant for us. Some of us work day end and day out at the job we are unhappy about and complain that we feel so unfulfilled. We use excuses on top of excuses as to why we can’t step out on faith and make it happen. I know I have been a victim of holding myself back from accomplishing my dreams because I allow my eyesight to cloud my vision.
Dreaming with your eyes wide-open only means that you now are willing to see what others can’t imagine. With your eyes wide open you can take the initiative to bring your dreams full circle. You are willing to throw away the excuses, make the necessary sacrifices, and do what’s needed t to see it come to pass. Fear is no longer your factor and the excuses you once made are non-existent. You have tunnel vision and though while traveling your eyesight won’t let you see at all, your vision will allow you to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Thinking back two years ago when I told someone I was writing a novel, for a moment, I actually didn’t visualize me completing it. I began my journey by writing one page a day and before I knew it I was at 295 pages. Our eyesight doesn’t always allow us to see our future and where it may take us at that point and time. Our vision allows us to see what others may not think can happen. As I look back now since I was eleven years old, I visualize writing a novel; it was my destiny. After a while I lost sight of my path, taking on so many different directions only to be led back to my true and first love- writing.
I saw that person the other day who told me I would never be able write a book and I was dreaming. She smiled at me and said, “So you stopped dreaming about being a writer? I mean I didn’t say it to bust your bubble or anything; you just have a lot going on with all those children. Your son sick and….” I politely cut her off and said, “My novel, Blue’s Treasure - you can purchase it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. You have a blessed day.”
I was dreaming with my eyes wide open allowing myself to see me make my dream a reality. I handed her my business card and smiled. It’s okay to dream even if you can’t truly see it with your eyesight; but if you can visualize it you have begun the process of making it come true. Never stop dreaming or believing.