Writer’s Name: Andrea “Dreas Stokley
Title: Five Traits of an Effective Leader
“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd." -Max Lucado
This is by far not only one of my favorite quotes, but also one that I have strived to emulate in my own journey of becoming an effective leader. And so by studying a few effective leaders who have paved certain roads, I have gathered that setting yourself away from the crowd is only one skill set of many effective frontrunners. Self- discipline, confidence, patience, and faith are four others.
Self-discipline goes hand and hand with obedience. It is a skill worth executing in our daily regimes, and definitely one worth mentioning as a trait in an effective leadership role. Self-discipline involves a person taking the necessary sequence of action regardless of his or her emotional state. We sometimes hear this manifested as, “Do what we have to do now so that we can do what we want to do later.” I’m sure this sounds cliché, but by sticking with this course, a leader limits the traps which are sometimes set by the pressures of their peers.
Confidence is another important trait to have. A leader undeniably needs to be confident in order to stay determined that he has everything needed to proceed on his track. Confidence is vitally important. In fact, I would even venture a step further and say that if he doesn’t believe in his own gift, skill set, or craft then why should anyone else? Not only should confidence be seen in a leader, it must be felt in his presence and also in the way he communicates his message. I have often heard that confidence can sometimes come across as being a little cocky, but this is nothing a humbling spirit shouldn’t be able to balance out.
Patience and faith are the last two qualities a leader should possess; and in my opinion should go hand and hand because a faithful person patiently trusts that as long as he puts forth the efforts and stays true to his gifts, the rewards will come.
Patience involves drowning out the noise levels and the ego that sometimes seeks out to deliver the message of, “YOU SHOULD BE HERE BY NOW!” This message is anything but true. The rewards will come in due time. However, when waiting for rewards an effective leader must also remain truthful to him-self. And if need be he must take a step back to properly access the changes that may need to be made in order to continue on with the path which lies ahead. Many individuals want to be leaders, but not so many are willing to exert the traits outlined in these paragraphs or to stay diligent while encountering certain challenges. It is my belief that the traits outlined above should be interchangeably used as a person sees fit. Just as there are several routes which may lead to a certain destination, there is no one trait which will lead you to becoming an effective leader. Take time out to develop your crafts and hone your skill and then proceed accordingly.