Writer’s Name: Dominique Wilkins
Title: God’s Will
Overcoming drugs and alcohol is a huge feat. More often than not, anyone who comes in contact with these vices, immediately fall victim to its power. They lose themselves and become, what is labeled as an Alkie, Drunk, Crackhead or Hype. None of which are terms of endearment. These labels are often given by non-drug and alcohol users who look down on these people as if they are beneath them because of their habit. There are two different types of them. They are labeled as ‘functioning’ and of course, ‘addicts.’ Those that are functioning, have these terrible habits, but are able to support themselves and conceal this from the world’s scrutiny. These people, strong enough to tame these vices, are able to continue to work to support themselves and their cravings, without having to let the world in on their secret. In my opinion, these people are handling their business as an adult and are not seen as a threat to the community or anyone else. They are your typical adults with a past time that choose to make a decision that may not be right or legal, but is not hurting anyone else.
On the other hand, the more extreme and popular of the two are stretched out and are hurting themselves and their families. They cannot get or hold a job, even if they could past the drug test. They will do anything to anyone in an attempt to regain that initial high that they first felt when they were introduced to it. They walk around in a trance, motivated only by the first high that they chase religiously. Their appearance screams to even a blind man, the loss of their ability to care about hygiene or their surroundings. All relationships from their normal lives have been severed, for there is no loyalty amongst them, when you stand between them and their high. Many are lost in this satanic world, but few make it out and live to tell the story…
My friend Kenny Emmanuel Sr. shared his story with me. He told me how as a youth, in the south, his mother had given him and his siblings liquor in hopes that they would become so sick from it, they would never forget about its horrific taste and aftermath; so when they became of age, they would not dare touch it. This did in fact work. Just not on Kenny. It worked on both his brother and sister successfully. Kenny on the other hand, enjoyed the taste of it, as it did the electric slide down his throat. He was so impressed by it, that he would go back for more. When he returned for more, he incorporated cigarettes into his diet as well. Now that the party had started, when a band member in his freshman year was kind enough to share his marijuana joint with him, he felt comfortable accepting it. He was never known to be an ungrateful man. He gladly added this “weed” to his list of things to do. In his later years, now in the early 1970’s, he had joined the military, where “acid trips,” “speed,” and “hash smoking” became just another notch under his belt. As most other military men, he came out as a capable asset to the world. He learned roofing, carpentry and electrical wiring in his travels and exposure. He was the man with the golden hands. These golden hands could set fire to all that they touched. So, with these capabilities, also came the money. It flowed freely.
Eventually, he went out as a freelance roofer. He recalls paying a friend to aid him on completing a job and offered to drop him off at home after handsomely compensating him for his contributions. Before arriving at their destination, this friend suggested a stop. Kenny, a military man and a friend first, had no problem with this request -in view of the fact that Kenny rarely left the house without his 9mm. At the stop, the friend asked the doorman for a “quarter bag,” while Kenny looked on. Kenny, looking forward to unwinding after a long day’s work, decided also to make an investment in this nice gentleman’s product. The doorman excused himself and came back with his keys to unlock the bars and allow them entry. Once inside the nice place, it was plain that they had interrupted him while he was in the middle of a phone call, he weighed and packaged his product. While on pause, the nice man decided to share with them some of the good stuff. He did something with the pile he had on the mirror, then he put it in this glass pipe for them to smoke and share. Like before with the liquor dancing down his throat, he enjoyed the smoke that took over his lungs!
This time Kenny did not just smoke it, but he perfected it. He dated it and courted it, until he learned its secrets. Soon he had become the master chef. He was cooking it for all to enjoy. They came from far and wide with their coke for Chef Kenny to cook. Kenny was in seventh heaven! Everyone knows the cook eats first! Always get his off the top first. He’d supply the girl (Coke) and the boy (Heroine), as it was affectionately called on the streets.
Kenny knew that this was not his world. He, unlike the others could see himself becoming lost in it. He also knew that it was not as easy to get out as it was to get in. Many times, he said that he was out and walking away from it, just as many times as he would come back to it. Kenny came to the realization that he needed help. He HAD to get out and could not do it on his own. He prayed and prayed for deliverance. God did not come when Kenny wanted him to. Kenny was caught up in this world for 19 years. God came when Kenny needed him. He touched his heart and overnight, Kenny found the strength to leave that world, cold turkey never to return. No 12 step program or group intervention. Only God was the answer and the key! As a test, 9 months later, he was tested with a taste and found out it did not taste good. It was bad. In fact, it left a nasty residue.
Today, Kenny is known as Minister Kenneth Emmanuel Sr. Today, if he sees any drugs, he disposes them before another one falls into its clutches. Minister Kenneth Emmanuel Sr. is a successful radio show host with a large racially diverse radio show on www.freedomizerradio.com. His Sabbath show can be heard weekly @ 2pm-4pm cst on both Saturdays and Tuesdays and 12:30 2 pm cst on Sundays. Tune in and allow your ears to enjoy one of God’s miracles! And enjoy the message while you are there!! The Minister wishes us all peace and blessings to our homes!