Writer’s Name: Ornitha Danielle
Title: Keeping up with Main Stream Society
Here we go again. I have to shed a little light on our urban society. As an educated black woman, often put down an d made to feel ashamed for being such, I have run across other women of color who don’t feel comfortable in their skin either because of some man, family or society. Television (the media) has been the dividing force for how a woman should be typecast as a MAD BLACK WOMAN, ghetto, gold digging, superficial… need I say more? We need to teach our daughters, nieces, cousins and aunts that they are more than what this society perceives them to be. Please don’t get me wrong I love the media to a degree. But after all is said and done at the end of the day, it’s what God says we are. If we visit that book in the BIBLE…Proverbs 31!
She is a woman of Virtue. Proverbs 31:10
She is a woman of Faithfulness. Proverbs 31:11
She is a woman of Reverence. Proverbs 31:12
She is a woman of Goodness. Proverbs 31:12
She is a Willing Worker. Proverbs 31:13
She is a Good Manager. Proverbs 31:14,15
She is Industrious. Proverbs 31:16
She is a woman of Strength. Proverbs 31:17
She is a woman of Endurance. Proverbs 31:18
She is Well Rounded. Proverbs 31:19
She is Charitable. Proverbs 31:20
She is a Provider. Proverbs 31:21
She is well dressed. Proverbs 31:22
She is the Wife of a Good Husband. Proverbs 31:23
She is a Good Business woman. Proverbs 31:24
She is Honorable. Proverbs 31:25
She is Wise. Proverbs 31:26a
She is Kind. Proverbs 31:26b
She is a Good Mother. Proverbs 31:27a
Now why would we want to be anything less than what God created us to be? We need to teach and lead our women by example. Our heavenly father said we are his precious jewels, so we have to know our value. When God created Adam it was good; then he saw his loneliness and that was not good. So he created Eve which means they were created in God’s image; so why would mainstream society tell us otherwise? For one, everything that God created is and was good, so the enemy’s job is to do the total opposite of that. So many women change parts about their physical body including their breast, lips, cheekbones, and buns of steel implants…..for what? If we stop playing into this trash and accept how HE created us, then we can take our rightful place in God.
Some may be offended by this, but I’m just telling the truth. I want all that God has for me, and I want to be all that HIS WORD says I can be. The WORD OF GOD doesn’t lie nor will it comeback to him void.
People get it so twisted from fact to reasoning by justifying why they do wrong. Like one sin is greater than the other, really? Genesis 39:9 says, “There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back anything from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” Then let’s look at Matthew 5:19: “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
I have been saying different things in my Facebook posts that have gotten some very not so nice comments; which of course I deleted. I’m trying to pretend to be this great spiritual guru, but in reality, I’m just trying my best to obey what the spirit of the Lord is telling me to tell HIS people.
First of all when the message is deposited and downloaded to me, I have to deal with it first. Then after I’m done picking myself up from crying and asking God why me, I share it with others. My page is my page so that is where I express what’s on my mind. No I didn’t go there to make any enemies. It’s one thing when you know the truth is staring you right in the face. Yep!!!
Honestly speaking I’m only a vessel that God has chosen. If I could have my choice of a kingdom job... lol this one I would have passed by. Thank God again for the chastening. God takes us through many things for our making and we have to understand that HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US, even when we don’t even know.
There was this one status that I posted where I was talking about opening up our homes and lives to the attacks of the enemy, such as letting our children with very impressionable minds overindulge into this wickedness of TELEVISION, specifically adult censored cartoons. I may be getting off here, but this needs to be said. I have watched Family Guy and American Dad; I will only names those two. After doing some research and studying the creator of these shows, I learned that he supports various community issues like same sex relationships. I didn’t know that at first…. Talk about an eye opener. I know what the BIBLE says about that. How can I support someone who supports the opposite of what God designed? We all need to be very mindful of the things we entertain because at the end of the day we will be held accountable for what we do or don’t do. When we know what’s right we tend not to acknowledge it, but accountability is placed on us. REAL TALK. I’m coming straight from the hip. Let’s take our communities back and fight for what should be.
“And above all things, have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:9. Please know that I’m not passing judgment on anyone. IJS!!! (I’m Just Saying!)