But at the tender age of 22, having been through many trials & tribulations in her young life, from abusive relationships, teen pregnancy, homelessness and prostitution to finding love, getting married and starting a family, Marie picked up her pen again. Writing a memoir like story with an urban fictional twist, Marie entitled her book “This Game Called Life”.
The title came from an expression Marie heard a lot while growing up “Life is like a card game, either you play the hand you were dealt or you fold.” Immediately upon finishing the story and reading it over, Marie made the conscious decision to share her heartfelt tale and broadcast her refueled passion for writing to the world. She independently released her debut title on April 30th 2012, selling over a thousand copies and landing on a few of Amazon’s Best Seller’s List in a short three month span. With the success of her book, Marie decided to submit her story to, G Street Chronicles, a major publishing house in Urban Literature. She signed a contract with them in July of 2012.
A decision was collectively made to pull the book from its online retailers. “This “Game Called Life” was revised and re-released on August 25th 2012. Due to irreconcilable differences, G Street Chronicles and Marie parted ways in December of 2012. Marie has since, started her own publishing company, called Game Changing Publications. She has five dedicated authors signed to her house and together they have hopes of bringing a different flavor to the literature world in a whole. Marie, with the help of Marcus Wroten (one of her signed authors) also has started up her own digital magazine, entitled The Game Changer’s Lounge.
Marie’s titles include:
Undercover Lovers: Getting Lost in the Sheets
Take Me As I Am
The Power Of Money
Her Husband Is My Man
Playing For Keeps
Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
A Love Like His
The Morning After
A Scorned Heart Knows No Limits
This Game Called Life
This Game Called Life 2: Vengeance
This Game Called Life 3: The Last Of A Dying Breed
Diva: The Female Version Of A True Hustler
The Weeping Heart
My Dirty Little Secrets
B.A.D( Beautiful And Deadly)
Natural Born Murders
About “Undercover Lovers: Getting Lost in the Sheets”
Stacy Northington is a savvy, young and talented upcoming authoress in the literary world. With her debut novel topping charts, Stacy should feel like she's on top of the world yet she is filled with a deep emptiness. All she ever wanted in life was to be loved, so when she met her husband she thought of him to be her dream come true. A few years in and her fairy tale life is shattered by the ugly reality of hidden secrets. Seeking comfort in her writing lands Stacy in the path of the arrogant Vincent Acosta.
Vincent Acosta is a well-known "veteran" in the literature industry, having published multiple "Best Sellers" over the years. During the hype of one his most anticipated releases, he stumbles upon the "newbie" Stacy Northington. She's an upcoming authoress with a decent buzz but it isn't her writing skills that has peaked his interest. Fresh meat and unscathed, being the playboy he is, he decides he's got to have her.
A few online interactions and the chemistry between the two, attracts them like magnets. Weeks of back and forth chatting and phone conversations ultimately lead to the face to face meeting of the sexually charged pair.
What will happen when these two creative minds who are paid for their abilities to craft stories become entangled in a bed of passion, lust, lies, and betrayal? Stay tuned and get lost in the sheets with these two Undercover Lovers.
DP: When did you first decide you wanted to become an author?
Marie: I first began writing in a journal, like most young girls. Writing was an outlet for me, an escape from the reality of life. I continued writing until I was in the seventh grade where I began to pen my first story. I didn't get very far though; I made it to chapter three and stopped. Over the last few years, I have been through, seen, heard and done things that have given me the experiences necessary to tell my stories. Thus, refueling my passion for writing.
DP: How did you decide on the idea for your first book?
Marie: My first book came easy to me because it was primarily based on my life. In my novel, I touched on some serious yet sensitive matters such as child abuse, domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, and infidelity. When I wrote this novel, I intended to open people’s eyes to serious issues that are sometimes “swept under the rug or turned a blind eye” towards. By making people aware of these tragic situations, I hoped to shed light on the possible life that an abused child could live, if the situation wasn't handled or addressed properly.
DP: How long did it take you to write your first book?
Marie: It took me fifteen days to write the first completed draft. But it wasn't until August that the book was fully edited, formatted and revised for sale
DP: Did you self-publish or are you signed to a publishing company?
Marie: When I released my debut, I was a self-published author. But after three months, I signed with publishing company G Street Chronicles. After a short tour with them, I ventured back into self-publishing. I now operate my own publishing company, Game Changing Publications.
DP: How did you decide on the cover for your most recent book?
Marie: The cover was a pre-designed cover and when I saw it, I knew it was for me. It fit perfectly with my storyline and title.
DP: Tell us about your writing style. Do you write on a schedule?
Marie: I often make jokes that I suffer from Creative ADHD because I am always working on 4-5 projects at one time. I am a freestyle writer; I tried using outlines and they didn't work for me. I found myself treading away from the outline towards another bright idea. I became frustrated and stopped writing outlines all together.
DP: What makes your writing unique?
Marie: What makes my writing unique is my ability to craft an entire story off the top of my head without having an outline or structure for story. Also, my writing tends to have an unpredictability factor, which leaves the reader with the sense of suspense with every page turned.
DP: As a writer, what motivates you?
Marie: My previous failures motivate me. I look at all the times I started on the path of a goal that had potential and gave up before trying. With writing, I feel like I have found my purpose in life. This is one goal I have started and plan to see all the way through.
DP: How do you balance your writing and various responsibilities that come along with being an independent author?
Marie: I honestly don't know. I am always on the run, always on the go. It's the only way I see things getting done so I am always pushing myself beyond my limits because this is something I want.
DP: When you’re not writing what are you doing?
Marie: 50% of my day is spent writing or proofreading one of my author's projects. The little time that I am not writing, I am with my children, being the best mom I can be while installing life gems in them.
DP: What’s a typical day like for you?
Marie: Write, Proofread, Write again, Proofread some more…It's has been my pattern ever since I decided to turn my passion into a reality.
DP: Tell us about your last book signing.
Marie: I have not had a book signing yet, but you never know what the future may hold.
DP: Do you have contests or giveaways?
Marie: I am always hosting random giveaways. Some days, I just pop up in the Facebook groups and give away $20- $50 away in books and gift cards. No previous support of my work needed. I do it to give back to the readers because without them, there would be no us (authors). Just in the month of December, I gave away over $350 in books and gift cards.
DP: Many independent authors find it hard to get readers to buy their books. How did you handle the challenges that come along with being a first-time author in a competitive and ever-changing market?
Marie: I was just myself. I requested entry to a few of the Facebook groups, once accepted I introduced myself to the group and became an ACTIVE member. When it was time for my book to be released I had gained friendships with a lot of my readers prior and they supported me behind that. I'd say the key to a successful writing career is interaction. Whether it's online or in person, readers like to make connections with authors and are more likely to support your work if you sell them on more than just your books.
DP: What did you do on your 2nd book that you did not do in your first one?
Marie: I took my time. I got proper editing for this book and a professional format designer so that the layout of my book was in order. With the huge unexpected success of book one, I didn't want to rush my second release because I felt I now had a standard to live up to.
DP: If you could give one piece of advice to an up and coming author, what would it be?
Marie: Stay true to your craft and it will be true to you. Don't let anyone or anything deter you from your destiny.
DP: Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?
Marie: For my first title, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. I'd recommend checking your local bookstores and libraries as well. My new release can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and Kobo after 01.28.13
DP: Please list any literary awards, honors, and book club affiliations.
Marie: Best New Female Author - awarded by Future Bestselling Authors (Facebook Book Club)