From an early age, Mimi Lemons always had her nose in a book. She began reading Dr. Seuss and shortly graduated to adult fiction by the time she was eight years old. With an overactive imagination and an "I Can Do That Too" attitude, she began writing short stories when she was thirteen. Disappointed that she lost the schools short story contest, she put writing on the backburner. After graduating, Mimi focused on a career in banking. Then one day while sitting at work, Mimi was inspired to write and has been writing nonstop ever since.
Mimi now lives in Redford Michigan with her husband Gerald and her puppy Colby. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, watching old sitcoms, traveling, spending time with family and friends, and of course writing.
Her first book is “Truthfully Lying”
About “Truthfully Lying”
Tarja Humphrey lived a life that many women wished they had. She spent money like it was going out of style, ate at five star restaurants, traveled around the world, and made thousands of dollars for a few hours of work. She was spoiled and pampered by some of the world’s most prestigious and popular men. If you asked her what she did, she would tell you without so much as batting an eyelash that she’s an escort.
One day, fate brings Tarja and Rich together. For the first time in her life, money doesn’t seem so important anymore. She was now ashamed and wanted a way out. With a possessive madam, a jealous rival, sneaky friends, and wealthy clients, leaving the game won’t be so easy. Can she leave the game before Rich finds out the truth? Will she finally be able to break free from Beverly’s tight grip? Sex, scandal, blackmail, and lies - these are the reasons that Tarja is Truthfully Lying.
Truthfully Lying was named #24 in UBAWA's Bestsellers Top 25 of 2012
DP: When did you decide you wanted to become an author?
MiMi: I first decided that I wanted to become an author while I was in the eighth grade. I wrote a short story and entered it in the short story contest. When my story wasn't picked, that killed my confidence so I just stopped writing. Then several years later, I just finished reading a novel by a very popular author and I predicted the ending. I kept thinking of different ways that the book would have ended if I wrote it. I remember saying "I can do this! In fact, I can do it better!" That was in 2007 and I've been writing nonstop for six years now.
DP: How did the idea for your first book come about?
MiMi: The idea of Truthfully Lying came about from a combination of things. I have a best friend who used to be an escort years ago. While I was working at a bank, I had a customer who had no problem sharing the details about how she became an escort. I took their experiences, my vision on what an escort should be, and added my very active imagination and that's how Truthfully Lying was born.
DP: How long did it take you to complete your first book?
MiMI: On and off, it took me around two years to complete this novel. When I first started writing Truthfully Lying, I had a different vision of how I wanted the story to go. Midway through, it was like a light bulb went off and I scrapped that idea and took it in a totally different direction. After six steady months of nonstop typing, my novel was finished.
DP: Did you self-publish or are you signed to a publishing company?
MiMi: I am a self-published author. Currently, I am not signed to a publishing company.
DP: How did you decide on the cover for your most recent book?
MiMi: I have a fascination with sunglasses and mirrors. I love the idea of looking through them and not just seeing your own reflection but seeing other images. I wanted the cover to include all of the elements of what Truthfully Lying was about. I wanted the cover to be eye catching and vague. With my vision and my graphic designer's creativity, the cover was created and the rest is history.
DP: Tell us about your writing style. Do you write on a schedule?
MiMi: I always know the ending of my novels and then I work around that. As soon as I get an idea, I write that idea in a notebook, scrap paper, a napkin-anything that I can get my hands on. I could be at work, church, the grocery store and as soon as I get an idea, I write it down. I've had ideas come to mind when I'm sleep! I will wake up, jot it down, and go right back to sleep. I set deadlines and daily goals but realistically, I can never meet them.
DP: What makes your writing unique?
MiMi: When I write I become the story. I see it so vividly that I can't help but to put my emotions into it. I'm very passionate about my characters. Even though I write fiction, these characters are a part of me. I like to think that I have a very different way of looking at situations. I am very detailed to the point where I want the reader to feel as if they are a part of my story. I write what I feel and I try to put a few comical elements in every story because that's what I like to read.
DP: As a writer, what motivates you?
MiMi: When someone tells me that they loved my book, it motivates me. My dream of becoming a successful author motivates me. My love of reading and writing motivates me.
DP: How do you balance your writing and various responsibilities that come along with being an independent author?
MiMi: No matter what I do, I always find some way to include writing in my day. I always strive to write a page a day and that usually works for me. Sometimes I meet this goal and most times I exceed it. As long as I write a sentence, I've written something and that's good enough for me! I just can't say 'I'm going to write twenty pages today' because my creativity doesn't work like that. There have been days where I sat at the computer for hours staring at a blank screen waiting for something to flow and it doesn't work. I can't force it but when it happens, I stop what I'm doing and write!
DP: When you’re not writing what are you doing?
MiMi: When I'm not writing, I'm constantly thinking about writing! If I'm not working full time, I'm writing and somewhere in there I manage to eat and get a few hours of sleep. In my spare time, I'm usually at church, at home being a couch potato, and cooking. I'm pretty much a homebody.
DP: What’s a typical day like for you?
MiMi: I'm constantly working on one of my many novels. I have a full time job and I use my lunch break to the fullest by writing and editing. When I get home, I check my Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and emails. I like to chill out with my husband. I use the weekends to catch up on all my reality TV shows that I miss throughout the week.
DP: Tell us about your last book signing.
MiMi: I've been so busy that I haven't had the time to schedule an 'official book signing.' Instead, I've personally autographed the first one hundred copies of Truthfully Lying that were sold.
DP: Do you have contests or giveaways?
MiMi: As of right now, I don't have any contests or giveaways set up. However, when my second novel drops, there will be multiple contests and giveaways. I promise!
DP: Many independent authors find it hard to get readers to buy their books. How did you handle the challenges that come along with being a first-time author in a competitive and ever-changing market?
MiMi: Praying and keeping my faith allows me to handle all obstacles and challenges that I'm faced with daily. When I decided to self-publish I knew that I wasn't going to be an overnight success. Being an independent author, I also knew that it was going to take time to build up my fan base and make a name for myself. With me having that mindset, it made it easy for me to embrace these challenges and keep me from being discouraged.
DP: What did you do on your 2nd book that you did not do in your first one?
MiMi: I recently decided that I am going to use test readers for my second book. I value the opinion of my fans and having their input means the world to me. I'm not only writing for myself, but I'm writing for my fans.
DP: If you could give one piece of advice to an up and coming author, what would it be?
MiMi: Write! Write everything down and worry about editing later!
DP: Where can readers purchase a copy of your book?
MiMi: Truthfully Lying can be purchased through my website: www.mimilemons.org , www.amazon.com , and www.ejunkie.com.