Name: Nanette Buchanan
Title: Reflections
“Mirror, mirror on the wall….” Checking our appearance is a part of our routine as we ready ourselves for the day. Standing before a mirror, we look for minor imperfections.
We think others will judge a blemish, pimple, or mole, changes that may reflect our age, the lack of sleep or stress. Our concern is how others see us. The opinion of others and the impression we will leave with them becomes our reason for change.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall….” If the mirror could truly speak, would it simply look at the face repeating the flaws day after day or delve into ones character. In the fairytale, Sleeping Beauty was the “fairest one of all’. She was beautiful, a princess to be, without physical imperfections. Her beauty was a gift. Her personality and appearance accented her natural beauty, beauty the mirror couldn’t ignore.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall…” We will change our style in clothing, make-up, diet, hair color and so much more hoping the mirror will yell, “Yes, that’s you!! You are the fairest one of all.” Do we seek to change who we really are? Beauty starts within. The foundation to our character or our personality begins within us. Confidence, self-esteem, motivation, determination are layers we must possess if we are to be truly beautiful. We must harbor love, respect, understanding, and forgiveness. Our spirits must be connected to; morals, values, and responsibilities. These qualities don’t align with appearances but are never unattractive. Checking our personality should be included as we primp and pose making sure no hair is out of place each day.
We give that first impression attention hoping others will remember us by what they see. However, it is what they don’t see that will be on display as we become comfortable in our daily relationships. Comfort can bring out the worse…. and that’s what the mirror saw when comparing the witch to those in the land.
So what are the steps to checking ourselves, being sure we are “beautiful” when we check the mirror. Ask these questions. Answer them truthfully:
- What are the smudges or blemishes in your character? Are your flaws causing you to act or react negatively towards people? Being able to understand that the world is not against you is the first step to change a negative attitude. The energy you put out often ignites what you will receive in return. You can’t expect others to treat you well when you ignore extensions of courtesy or respect.
- What are some of the compliments others have made about you? Everyone wants to be recognized for what they know or do. However, assuming you deserve a compliment doesn’t mean you will be given one. Acknowledging your efforts should prompt you to build your character. Be sure to rise above accusations. Assuming you don’t get compliments because of jealousy or naysayers feeds your spirit negative roots. Yes, roots grow.
- Do you allow yourself to listen when others talk about your flaws? Don’t take everything to heart. You can learn a lot about the energy you emit by listening to what others feel about your actions. Listening does not mean you must change, but thinking about it, receiving their outlook may change your life forever. Your experiences in life make your life….. friendship and love is an experience.
- Do you change your appearance for yourself more than for others? Do you need to fit in? If so, why? Coming to your own is a lifetime effort. You have to love who you are for you before you please others.
- Does what others say about you bother you? You want to change for them, but it’s not who you are. Most of the time this is what we do for family. Regardless of their title, mother, father, best friend, sister you have to live happy with who you are for you. Loving yourself doesn’t mean secluding yourself. Through communication, understanding and respect from you and them your character will blossom.
- Do you ask others for their opinion about you and then ignore it? Seeking advice, you have to remember they are not living the life you are living.
- Are you looking to complete you? Find your passion. Let your fantasies, dreams and visions come to life.
- Do you know what it will take? Do a little research. You will be surprised how close you are to your dreams. Take the steps, don’t rush it, be thorough and complete yourself.
- Do you think that changing what others see in you will make a difference for you? Learning about yourself should be the ultimate goal. You will learn about yourself and others when you look through another set of eyes.
- Do you truly believe that beauty begins within? Evaluate yourself; when you feel better about who you are, your health will change. Most of our illnesses are the result of how we feel about our lives. Stress, depression, lack of sleep, bad health habits lead to skin conditions and other minor flaws in our appearance.
- Do you think that you can mask the “ugly” or the “beauty” you possess? No one needs to know how you really feel. You can hide your feelings about others but how you feel about yourself shows in your character. Others see it and so do you. Look in the mirror.
Finding who we truly are or our purpose can’t be found in a make-up kit or by simply collecting the compliments made by others. It’s private, it’s personal. It’s that mirror, mirror moment and when you find what you are missing or should get rid of… it’s an “Aha” moment. Discovering the real you can have both a negative and positive affect on your life. You may lose friends or family, but you will gain self-skills that will last a lifetime. You can’t please everyone, so don’t try. When you connect with your inner spirit and remove the negative, your beauty will prevail.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?” You are.