Date: O7/30/2012
Writer’s Name: Ornitha Danielle
Title: My Love for Books
As far back as I can remember my parents always read to me as a child. I grew up on the Bible stories that I’m sure most of everyone has heard at some time in their life. I can even remember as far back as to when I was about 2 or 3 years of age. There was this story called The Little Red Hen. From what my mother told me, they had read that book to me so much that I’d memorized the entire first page. So when they tried to say something that wasn’t there I would correct them. As time went on, they continued to read to me, until I was old enough that I could do it myself.
That was a huge milestone for me when I learned to read on my own. Even now I can spend hours reading. The gift of reading was engraved deep into my brain. When they read to me, they used different voices to express each and every character in every book they read. That captivated my mind, and I began to visualize them. Not knowing at that time what was taking place. I was being drawn into a world of make believe. The older I got the more in love with books I became. Getting my first library card, nobody could tell me anything. I felt like I had a million dollars. The fact I could go to the library and check out books to read was more than enough. During my youth I would spend hours at the library looking for books to take home, even reading some before I left. I would even get into the library summer reading programs; sometimes I’d even win prizes for the most books read.
Now as a parent I’ve done the same with my children. We read to them when they were smaller. Now that everyone is older, with two now in college and one in high school we did well with them. My oldest son was a diehard fan of Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. I can remember when those novels hit the shelves, my son would almost have a heart attack because he wanted that book. One day we looked everywhere for this book and every place had sold out! I was very sad for him; he even looked sick because he wanted to see what happened to the characters. I happened to call a dear friend of mine and we went shopping. I didn’t tell my son anything. While we were out I saw the book, the latest Harry Potter book the one he wanted. I got the book. I’m sure that many have seen how big those books are. Well when I got home and I said I found something for you. He came looking to see. The look on his face was PRICELESS!!! To know how much he loved reading and the fact that we had instilled this love into him was priceless. I think I would have traveled around the world for that book. Basically I felt like I did. From bookstore to bookstore, even Wal-mart and more. My son stayed up for 2 days straight reading that book. Right after him reading it, he came to share.
I would encourage the young to old, that reading is very important to daily living. We need it for driving, cooking, basically everything. Reading takes you away from everyday life struggles. You become lost in another world for that time. Take the time out to visit the schools, nursing homes and read a book to them; not only will they enjoy it, so will you.