Writers Name: Rosey Denise White
Title: Presenting to some and Re-introducing to others… Reading!
No matter how much I try to understand it, for the life of me I cannot comprehend why people refuse to read. For starters, people generally have the wrong idea about reading entirely. Many assume that reading is reduced to a boring book, or novel or… that it is a task that consumes too much of your time. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you have time to browse Facebook, watch ESPN or play XBOX then you do have time to read. I often engage both my friends and co-workers about their interest in reading. Every chance I get I pester them about the need to read on a consistent basis. I am constantly pointing out real-life examples of how reading does impact life. By now, I am certain that I am getting on their last nerves but nonetheless, my message is delivering a punch! Many of them are beginning to read more often or at least acknowledge the importance of reading regularly.
For those who do not know my friend, please allow me to introduce you to – READING! Reading and I have been long acquainted since the early childhood days, and reading has continued to prove invaluable throughout my entire life. As a small child, reading helped me to understand the workings of the world. I learned what the meanings of words were, became familiar with history and found my creativity all through reading. I even learned how to play board games through reading the words on the boards or the directions. My passion for writing further enhanced my relationship with reading during elementary education. I cannot thank reading enough for helping to prepare me for my studies! Some of the other kids found reading to be a bore, and would rather spend time hanging out with friends or doing other leisurely activities. While this was understandable, I guess reading was my preferred friend. Reading has kept me company and some would suggest it has helped earn me the title of ‘nerd.’ Reading by the way has also helped to earn me good grades in secondary post-secondary education.
Reading is becoming even more invaluable during my adult life. It has helped me to obtain gainful employment by researching the company – (yes this helps tremendously during the interview process). I have also learned how to cook some very interesting recipes, train for a 5K marathon, and heighten my sex life all through the benefit of reading! Reading is something that every person regardless of background, financial status or creed can do. The only thing needed to read is literacy (knowing how to read) and having an interest to do so. I personally believe the main reason why most do not read in the first place is because they do not have a sincere interest for it. Only if they would open their minds and realize that reading doesn’t have to be a boring activity. Reading like anything else can be a great friend. There is not one single activity in the life of children or adults that is not elevated through reading. Don’t believe me? Dare yourself to sacrifice one hour of social activity, television and radio for the sake of reading. Take time to read a story to your children or an elderly relative. Notice how reading will become your friend too!