Writer’s Name; Sheri Henry-Harrigan
Title: Reading & Writing is a Must
Reading is fundamental. People need to able to read in order to live in society. Writing is everywhere. On the street signs, you have to read the mail that comes in the mail box. You read signs and labels in the supermarket and other retail stores. I couldn’t imagine life not knowing how to read? Can it be done?
I have a two year old and I have been building up his library since he was born. By me taking a couple of minutes a day to read to him he now loves to read. He takes his books and sits in his chair and reads. When I read a newspaper he takes it from me and tries to read it himself. Just because he is a toddler and doesn’t have the reading skills doesn’t mean that he shouldn’t get in the habit of reading. It is so sad when I hear children singing the lyrics to Nikki Minaj’s songs but can’t spell or write their names. What kind of mess is that? Song lyrics will not get a person into college. Having and knowing the fundamentals of reading and writing will. People need to get their priorities in order. Children can be taught and they won’t learn if we don’t teach them.
Young adults need to know how to read because they are slowly going to start becoming independent of their parents. At a certain age no longer will the parents be in charge of their personal affairs. It is important not only to know how to read but how to comprehend what is read. Comprehending means knowing and understanding what is being said. This is the age when we learn the way of the world the hard way. We don’t want to listen to those who have been there and done that. Well as a young adult I made a bunch of mistakes but I refuse to let my child make those same mistakes. If he can learn from them and do different I will feel accomplished as a parent.
It’s a sad thing to know that many adults can’t fully understand what they read. They don’t have the skills that should have been taught in elementary school. Many are high school drop outs or just have GED diplomas. I am not against GED diplomas but if a person has one just because they didn’t want to sit in a classroom that is just sad! Learning should never be taken for granted. Learning is fundamental at a young age because it shapes us as an adult. I couldn’t imagine asking someone to explain to me simple instructions. We as a society have to do better than this. It starts with the children.
Parents are the leaders in the house not the children. So my child will never tell me he doesn’t want to go to school and that is ok. When he gets to the age where he no longer has to then I will respect that decision. College is an option, high school is a must. Reading to children is fun and should be done often. Everything we do as parents doesn’t have to feel like we are just doing our jobs. Engage the children and they will impress you when they go out into the world.