Felecia Williams
Title: Say It loud; I read and I’m proud!
Have you ever heard that old saying; “if you don’t use it, you lose it’?
This also applies to reading. We begin molding our children into reading at an early age by giving them books before they learn to read or vocalize the alphabet correctly. It’s a reaction from our subconscious telling us that they must learn to read A.S.A.P! Throughout the years some people continue to read all their life, while others dread just the thought of having to read at all.
Literally, to read is to comprehend. It is a system of written symbols combined into words that are used for communication. Reading at any age can be beneficial in several ways: education, information, and entertainment purposes are just a few. Reading can simply satisfy whatever one’s passion or needs may
There is nothing like getting in a nice quiet area and opening up to millions of
possibilities. Talking the time to read can enhance your reading level, vocabulary and even aide as a refresher course for spelling and grammar. Newspapers, magazines, e-books, website articles, and books of all sorts, can set the stage for our minds to delve into whatever our hearts desire or jobs require.
Illiteracy is a problem among children and adults alike. It is mainly due to the lack of
time learning the fundamentals necessary for this life tool. Everywhere around us are words or phrases giving directions, warnings and advertisements. During school years reading is an everyday requirement; from text books to research for a term paper or written instructions on the blackboard. Children are encouraged to become avid readers so to prepare them for their future. While as adults we find ourselves obliged to read material for work or at home such as contracts and news.
Reading is important at any level in life and should not become a dreaded task; it can
be and in fact is a form of enjoyment. Some literature is accompanied by photographs or art. Some instruct on how to perform a specific task, while
others tell of a fictitious story. A good novel always keeps me wanting to read on, while people like my grandfather and co-worker prefer the daily paper. Comics offer a fun read in the Sunday paper, right before reading bible passages in Sunday morning service. Even at bedtime a story for the little ones always puts them to sleep within 5 to 10 minutes. Looking back as a child I remember the book shelf right above my bed, I would fall fast asleep while trying to retain as much material as I could for the book report due the next morning.
Now I find myself reading everything I can, anywhere I can. So, if you have not sat
down and read in a while, try it for yourself. Pick up a book that catches your interest and put aside some time; indulge yourself and enjoy the possibilities. Read to your loved ones and encourage them to turn off the television, computer and game system. Insist that they put down that phone and stop texting and pick up a book and R.E.A.D!