Writer’s Name: Dominique Wilkins:
Title: Seven Women to Every Man
“Till death do us part” is a portion of the vows that all men and women are all too familiar with, but don’t really plan on standing by. Many couples are saying it because it sounds good, but are not actually living by it. Nowadays women have become so strong-willed, that they no longer feel the need to be the submissive wife and allow the man to be the head of the household as they once were.
In the past, it was traditional for the man to be the breadwinner, while the woman stayed home with the children and played the role of “soccer mom.” The man would go out and make the donuts, while the women would be more than prepared to cook them up when he brought them home.
Unfortunately, as time went on, more men chose not to stay with the woman and complete the family by becoming the husband and assuming the role of the head of household. This caused more and more women to generate the single parent household and perfect it. The more the “single woman” perfected it, the more women glorified the concept, steering more people from feeling obligated to become married or stay married to the men in their lives. This strength began to catch on like a lice epidemic. These same strong women were motivated to go back to school and further their education, securing them prominent positions in the workforce. This allowed them to gain good jobs and deep pockets, which brought an “I don’t need a man” attitude. Now, you ask yourself, if they are making the most money, do you really expect them to come home to a man less superior to them and accept his infidelities or lack of children oriented contributions with a shrug and an accepting smile?
Sadly, whether a woman had personally established this success or just had a girlfriend with it, she knew what she did not have to take. She knew that the seed had been planted and she was empowered to get up and “make it happen” without needing a man. This mentality grew and was transferred, to the point that the phrase “Till death do us part,” rather than representing a symbol of love and commitment, was just a joke. No one longer cared about staying to the end, if they felt their needs were not being met and would “jump ship” the moment it looked like the water became slightly turbulent. This would obviously contribute to the divorce rate increase.
On the other hand, men are not innocent. Men, as time evolved, became less of a man. The majority seemed to be less in to portraying the image of a man, by running from his parental responsibilities and holding on to the “7 women to every man” ordeal and running amuck with it. Many of them have become accustomed to doing “just enough” to get by. Being the head of the household is not a place that he is trying to be anymore. He is now comfortable with putting the weight of both the man and woman’s job on her, while he reaps the benefits of her hard work at home in front of the TV or video game, after he may or may not have come home from his mediocre job that he has no desire to advance in. This man, instead of choosing to realize that this situation should be a blessing and make him more appreciative toward the woman that allows this to go on, instead chooses to use the fact that she is more successful and nagging, to go out at will and cheat.
Not only will he step outside of his marriage to make love to the grass on the other side of the fence, but will become so arrogant as to even allow his sperm to impregnate another woman and grow a family elsewhere. Believing that, it is just as easy to pick up and start over again, because there are so many women to choose from. All are very capable of taking care of him, because they all have that “I am woman, hear me roar” cry embedded in their tattoo, stamped perfectly on their backs, underneath their spinal cord for all to see. Not realizing that he is creating a vicious pattern of boys who grow to be grown men, raised by a single woman, because his father left her for another woman or just chose not to stick around and teach him how to be a man. So, raised by a woman, he grows up to feel just as comfortable to keep that vibe going in his relationships. Having no desire to regain the place his ancestors once held.
We live in a world satisfied with no balance. In the days of old, we had rules and balanced our lives by them. Now, we have Nike. We “just do it.” So, when the majority of wedding limos ride past with the “just married,” sign on the back, someone, somewhere will write saying, “it will end in divorce!” as they ride past.