Date: August 6, 2012
Title: Taking Care of Your Skin
A little over fifteen years ago, I gave birth to two things. The first was a miracle and is one of my best friends today, and that is my daughter, Alexis. The second birthing process was a bit more un-miraculous. Matter of fact, it was down-right ridiculous. My face became a mother to adult acne.
A few months after having my daughter, my face started to breakout in unsightly zits. Where some people suffer with blackheads, I had what is called, “comedones,” which are small, itchy, white, puss-filled pimples. My daughter, as grandmamma would say, “took my skin” and left me with a mortifying hormonal imbalance that sent my skin into a tailspin.
I was so embarrassed by this sudden turn of teenage-hood that whenever a zit would show up, I broke the golden rule (repeatedly) and popped them to no end. I just wanted them immediately gone.
In order to try and tame these unwanted houseguests, I went through several popular brand-name acne products and then some home remedies too including toothpaste, hot compresses, black soap -- you name it, and I have probably tried it.
And what about the dermatologist? I did that too, but what was prescribed, did not work, and I viewed it as a waste of time.
I started to notice that my remedy of popping the zits started to leave unsightly scars – scarring that became permanent. Because of this, I had to invest in several types of foundation to cover up my damaged face. It took me a long time to recognize that I was in a losing battle; without some sort of intervention and for my own self-esteem, I needed to see if I could get my skin back to some sort of normalcy.
A couple of years ago, I gave Clinique’s acne products a try. I was determined to fix my skin and decided to seek out other dermatologists. I had to wait three months to get an appointment to see my current doctor. It was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.
After a thorough examination, I was given three medications. Not only was I to use these three prescriptions, I was advised to continue using Clinique – so four medications, all to get that stubborn acne under control. The doctor told me to give it six months to begin working. Now that was a lesson in patience! And I have to tell you, it was worth it. Now two years later, I’m down to using Clinique and one of the prescriptions religiously, along with an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer with sunscreen.
When you see me now, it is the most bare I have let my skin appear in a very long time. No longer do I invest in foundations with extra coverage. Now I just use a bit of concealer.
I hope this has inspired you to take care of that medical problem, no matter what it is, and stop using that home remedy consisting of eye of newt, grasshopper’s toe nail and turkey feathers. If the first doctor doesn’t suit your needs, continue on until you find one that fits!