Writers Name: Rosey Denise White
Title: The Anatomy of a Man
It’s all about anatomy. The nature of physics says if you have a penis, then technically you are a man. The average man lives and breathes by this standard, duped into believing that composition is what makes them real. On the other hand, many women are unable to recognize the look of a real man because most males do not accurately fit the description. What then does a real man look like? A real man cannot be seen with the naked eye. A real man is defined by the inner workings of his spirit.
It almost sounds like a Sunday morning sermon, but in all seriousness, the spirit is the true self of every living being. Religion is not required to believe this theory because irrespective of religious beliefs we are all spirits in human form. The flesh only allows us to recognize one another with the naked eye, but this “look” is deceptive. We have it backwards: What is seen is an illusion, what is unseen is the true reality. It’s just like the concept of God. No one has seen the face of The Most High, but everyone knows who he is! Ask any believer what God looks like and they each have their own description. Some believe God is black, others say he resembles all forms of life but despite any argument one thing is for certain- God means something different to all of us. The look of The Most High varies depending on the believer just like the look of a real man varies depending on who is looking.
My perception of a real man is not based on what is seen, but rather is accumulation of experiences. An authentic man will be an experience of beauty through his words of value and focus. Nothing is more attractive than an intelligent man with sound vision and purpose; a man of action is also an experience of intimacy. A genuine man is an experience of love through his labor for others because charity begins at home. A real man is always interested in improving himself because he understands to love others one must first develop love from within. An authentic man will be an experience of trust. Through his sacrifice and commitment he is a provider for his family and those he hold near. He is the leader who protects his flock and directs them safely. A real man will not only exist in physique but will operate heartfelt in spirit. He is masculine and powerful; a King indeed unmovable yet determined with purpose.
All of us could stand to benefit from the “look” of a man however it is the overwhelming experiences that make a man real. Even a child can recognize realness over one who only pretends to be; it is sincere actions of spirit that overwhelms. Real men understand that appearance is temporary. They have learned that credibility is paramount to becoming the man they are destined to be.