Title: The Independent Woman: Curse or Blessing in Disguise?
Date: December 10, 2012
Some forget the strides women have made in life. In earlier historic times, the only goal for women to attain was that of wife and mother. Women could not freely own land, businesses, obtain college degrees, or become leaders in either the corporate or political world. These things were unheard of back then, because the expected and allowed roles for every woman were that of matrimony and children. Times have indeed changed. Although society is continually evolving to include women in advanced capacities, and create opportunities outside of domestic areas, still today, the desire of becoming wife and mother permeate the hearts of many females.
Single childless women, particularly those over the age of thirty are often faced with questions of impending pregnancies and future husbands. It’s almost as if the independence of women is not a worthy enough to dream to aspire in the worlds view. Women however, are some of the most talented, powerful beings that exist. They are able to multi-task to perfection; capable of both partnering within a household and standing on her own two feet, if necessary. A woman is able to be caretaker, companion, student, entrepreneur, lover, parent, and teacher all at once. We have the mental fortitude and desire to get things done despite any challenge that might be present. The essence of a woman’s beauty resides in her spirit. She has the will and desire to succeed at any level. Yet still, many women are not content without a mate or children.
The societal view of women can impact a female’s ability to dream beyond what is insisted upon her. Independence is not a characteristic generally appreciated amongst females. A self-sufficient woman walks according to her own beat and path. Her future is determined by her own personal desires, even when they do not align with worldly expectations. Although independence does not negate her want of companionship, her success is not strictly dependent upon it. Mothers are beginning to teach their offspring the rewards of being able to go for self. It is a blessing to be able to take care of yourself without being fully dependent on a man, but this is not a trait often appreciated by male counterparts. The life any woman desires is within reach but may come at the expense of walking alone.
Independence is a mindset of self-governing right. Generally speaking, the movement of the world is based on need and fear. If people are of the belief they don’t need another and that they don’t have to fear anyone, the very crust that society has been built upon is shaken. Without overwhelming need or fear, power becomes far less formidable in the world and in relationships.
This is one reason why female independence is considered threatening for some. In companionship, both man and woman benefit from having a strong partner to walk beside as Queens and Kings. Two committed persons are able to accomplish more together than apart. However this is not always reality, which is the reason independence, has been birthed to so many women. Female independence never eliminates need, it only accentuates human survival and what is required to endure.