Title: Vote 2012
With only one day remaining until the November 6th the presidential election, every American in the United States is going to the voting polls to cast in their choice for who will become the next president of the United States of America for the next four years. Mainly, Black America needs to understand what is at stake. The fate of our lives and our children lives hinges on the outcome of the presidential election. Plain and simple, will Mitt Romney become the next president of the United States of America or will President Barack Obama receive another four more years in the White House?
During the three presidential debates, Americans heard different opinions from both Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama; they had two very distinctive visions for America and the direction they want to take the United States. For Black America who has been the centerfold of politics for a long time, this is what all African-American voters need to know either young or old.
This is Governor Mitt Romney’s vision for Black America if he wins the White House. He’ll give tax breaks to big businesses, fortune 500 companies, and the rich people at the top. Mitt Romney will slash all federal programs known as the “social safety net” that have been in place to help low-income families. These are very imperative programs that include Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. He plans to dismantle President Obama’s healthcare and cut trillions of dollars from education leaving the decisions up to the local and state governments. He plans to cut millions of dollars from the Head Start programs and cut millions dollars from college Pell Grants. He also plans to cut millions of dollars from food stamp programs and unemployment insurance, destroy Plan Parenthood, and worst of all take away programs to help the sick and disable.
Every last one of these programs I have mentioned helped so many low-income families, primarily African-Americans who rely on these federal programs for temporary assistance. On the contrary, President Obama wants to create more jobs to hire more teachers in the classrooms, more firefighters and policemen in the streets, double the Pell Grant system, strengthen education, cut taxes for the middle class and poor working people, protect women rights, and last but not least invest in energy independence.
I understand majority of Black America get a sense President Obama hadn’t done enough to help the black communities throughout America. Yet, I believe in the president’s stance that he’s not only fighting for one half of the American people, but he’s protecting and fighting for all Americans including Blacks in America. This is the reason why voting is so significant; one vote can determine the outcome of America’s future and the future for children in the next decade. Since being elected as the first black president, Barack Obama hasn’t stopped fighting for those who are still fighting for jobs. He ended two wars to invest here in America, bringing us back from the brink of a Great Depression.
Come tomorrow, November 6th Black America will decide who will become the next president of the United States, either Mitt Romney or President Obama for the next four years. The future is in the voter hands.