Writer’s Name: Ornitha Danielle
Title: When Finding the Right Shoe
Many say that a picture is worth a thousand words, or better yet actions speaks louder than words. But when we can’t begin to express ourselves with words, we do in what we wear. I used to hear this saying growing up, “You’ll never really understand me until you’ve walked a mile in my shoes.” Although many of us may wear the same shoe size, if we exchanged shoes, could we walk in them? Maybe or may not. Why try to walk in a shoe that is either too big, too wide, or too narrow? I’m sure you get it. I believe we try to fit into places that we never were meant to fit in; think about it. We’ve all been told not to wear no one else’s shoes. There was a reason for that. I think hygiene had a lot to do with it then. My shoes are hard enough trying to walk in, so why try to walk in someone else’s?
See we may admire the shiny four or five-inch platforms with the ankle strap and the rhinestones, size seven and half. But could we walk comfortably in that shoe? Actually that would be too small for me, and besides I don’t wanna break my neck trying to pretend that I have it all together. Because I believe one day, even that person walking in them will trip and come crashing to the ground. No I’m not saying that to be mean; I give props to those that can. I’m just saying at the end of
the day, when you’re all alone guess what? The shoes do come off and you might
have to ask yourself, “Why did I buy these shoes?”
Now, each and every shoe that we own, just like us, has its own story. Can you look at a shoe and remember what you did in it or what you had to get away from? Look
down at your shoes; some have seen better times, but you hold on to them. Why? Maybe to remind you of where you came from, or maybe where you’re going and maybe even desire to go. We have shoes for every occasion - some for jeans, some for going to the park, or out for a night on the town. We buy them to make us feel better when we’ve had a bad day or because we wanna treat ourselves to something nice once in a while… or to make that outfit POP! Regardless of the reason, why do people see your shoes before they see you? That is a question I would like to know myself.
As I said before I have too many things going on in my life to even try to put my foot in someone else’s shoes! I can also recall this other saying, “Walk in my footsteps.” Are you kidding me! I know that at some point in time this has got to come to an end sooner or later. We can spend all day trying on shoes, and may even stop by a friend’s house and go through their closet looking, but guess what? Although it may fit, something about that shoe will never be right. For one it may be worn down on the heel which will give you a slight lean or you can feel where their toes have made their imprint into the shoe. When finding the right shoe, take your time. Don’t buy the first shoe you lay your eyes on, you’ll know when you see, literary speaking. Does it matter how much you spend on your shoes? I would say no! Just make sure it’s the right color, size and style for the season.